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By-Laws of the Scooter Club

The purpose of this document is to recommend by-laws for a new dog-scooter club in the Pacific Northwest. The provisions of these by-laws define the following: the name and purpose of the organization; the membership of the Board of  directors; the duties of the officers; procedures for elections and amendments to these by-laws; dues and membership criteria; activities of the organization.


This document is a draft, and has no effect until ratified by the members of the organization at the next general business meeting.

Section 1. Name, Purpose and Symbols of the Organization


1) Name of the Organization

The short name of the organization is K9ScootersNW. This name shall also be used as the domain name. The organization is a dog-scooter club for the Pacific Northwest.


2) Mission Statement

The mission of the organization is to promote dog powered sports for small teams.


3) Goals

To support the mission stated in the preceding article, the organization shall pursue the following objectives: [1] to formalize existing activities and continue to host events, [2] to encourage the formation of other regional clubs and affiliates.


Secondary goals: The organization advocates for giving dogs a job, and keeping dogs healthy through activities. The organization wants to work with other organizations to conserve trails, and promote shared use of trails.


4) Activities

The focus of the organization is on dryland dog pulling sports, meaning dogs pulling people on scooters, roller blades, skateboards, and bicycles; sulky driving; and canicross.


Group activities related to these dog sports might include: fun runs; races; workshops and clinics; trials for scooter titles; fun events such as a "scooter Olympics."


5) Legal Status and Liability of the Organization

The organization is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Washington.


The organization will solicit and accept donations for the purpose of furthering its objectives. Revenues shall be managed and expended in accordance with state and federal law governing nonprofit organizations. No part of any profits or residue from dues or donations may accrue to the benefit of any member or officer. (This does not include race prizes.)


No debt or obligation shall be incurred in the name of the organization by any of its members or officers without the authorization of the Board of Directors. The organization is not liable for anything. No one has any money anyway.


The charter of the organization shall be suspended when there is insufficient interest among members to maintain a full slate of officers. Formal dissolution of the organization shall be effected by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. After dissolution of the organization, any assets remaining shall be distributed to charitable organizations that benefit dogs, or given to affiliate organizations.


6) Operating Year

The fiscal and operating year begins on April 1.


7) Regional Chapters

The headquarters of the organization is in the Puget Sound area of Washington State.


Members who live outside the Puget Sound area and cannot easily attend events are encouraged to form a regional chapter or affiliated club.


Any regional chapter can send one member to meetings of the Board of Directors as a full member of the Board.


8) Special Marks or Symbols

The organization shall have a logo that is used on the web site, on any certificates or prizes, and in the newsletter. (The Design Committee, under the direction of the Design Chairperson, is responsible for proposing a logo design to the Board of Directors. A representative of the Board shall thElR present the designs to the membership at the next business meeting for a vote.)


The right to use the logo is reserved for officers of the organization in pursuit of the duties of the organization. Rights to use the logo and name of the organization in publication or other communications can be awarded on a temporary basis by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Section II. Membership and Dues


9) Membership Types

The following types of memberships are available:


Standard: Individual, no age restriction, member has full racing privileges.
Family: Multiple people in same household; each member has full racing privileges.
Honorary member: Reserved for special affiliate members; has full racing privileges.


For more information on conditions that may affect racing privileges, see the special section on Racing and Rules.


10) Terms of Membership

Criteria for membership include payment of dues, and submission of an application. The Webmaster shall provide a form on the web site where prospective members can apply for membership.


The membership year begins on April 1. Members are required to pay their dues to the Treasurer or Secretary before that date. All dues shall be payable to the organization.


During the first quarter of the year, the Secretary will remind members of the need to renew membership by paying dues before April 1. This statement can be sent bye-mail unless the member has opted for hard copy. Reminders shall also be posted on the Web site.


Dues cannot be prorated if membership begins after that date.


If a nonmember participates in a race, but later becomes a member, the additional nonmember portion of the race fee cannot be refunded.


11) Rights and Obligations of Members; Expulsion

Upon payment of annual dues, a person shall become a member of the organization and shall be eligible to race in races and participate in all events. Nonmembers may participate in certain events, but may be charged an additional nonmember fee.


Any member whose dues are paid in full may vote.


In the case of family memberships, only those family members who actively engage in organization activities, including racing, workshops, etc., may vote. Non-participating family members are requested not to vote.

The Board of Directors and the membership reserve the right to refuse membership to anyone or to eject members for cause: Cause may include abuse of animals as determined by the Rules of Racing, or misuse of the organization's name.


12) Changes in Dues and Other Fees

Dues are set by the Board of Directors, and any changes to the schedule of dues must be approved by a majority of the membership present at the annual meeting.


Due are used for the following purposes:

• providing insurance for events
• hosting events
• providing prizes
• producing the newsletter
• funding operation of the organization's web site
• purchasing administrative supplies
• other activities as approved by the Board of Directors.


Section 111. Board of Directors, Officers, and Elections


13) Duties of the Board of Directors

The corporate powers of this organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors will conduct the routine business of the organization, and can make decisions that are binding on the organization, except where otherwise prohibited.


The Board shall be elected for two-year terms at the Club's annual meeting, and shall serve until their successors are elected.


The duties of the Board of Directors are to appoint all committees. The Board of Directors can delegate this authority to the President as needed.


14) Members of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is comprised of the following officers of the organization, and any members-at-Iarge. The President of the club shall serve as Chairperson of the Board.


• President
• Vice President
• Secretary/Membership
• Newsletter Editor
• Treasurer


The following Committees shall also provide a single representative to the Board of Directors, usually the Committee chair:


• Activities Committee
• Race Committee


The following officers are not part of the Board of Directors, but will attend meetings as necessary and may participate in all activities of the organization:


• Webmaster


The term of office for the Board of Directors shall be their tenure as an officer of the club; however, the past President shall serve as a special at-large member for one year after his or her term has expired.


15) Duties of the Officers

This section describes the duties of the individual officers and/or their legal capabilities


• Preside at all meetings
• Oversee and supervise the operations of the club, subject to the concurrence of the Board of Directors.
• Solicit and appoint members for special committees.
• Conduct interviews and publicity.
• Coordinate with affiliates.



• Act as trophy and point chairman and maintain the club scrapbook
• Exercise the powers of the President in case of the President's absence.
• Any tasks delegated by the president.


Secretary (Membership, General Business)

• Keep detailed and permanent minutes of all meetings, including the proceedings of the Board of Directors.
• Keep a roll of the members with their addresses and other pertinent information.
• Furnish all members with a copy of the bylaws.
• Maintain records or documents of the organization in lieu of the President or Vice-President, if needed.
• Notify the members of meetings.

Issue or supervise the issuance of membership cards.


• Collect membership fees.
• Maintain an accurate, up to date record of members in good standing.
• Manage the bank accounts of the organization.
• Disburse fees to committees or to other members for hosting or preparing events.
• Prepare an annual report of finances.



• Maintain club website.
• Coordinate with affiliate organizations to share information and sites.



• Maintain club newsletter and other publications


Activities Chairperson

• Propose a slate of activities for each year, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
• Publish a yearly schedule of events.
• Recruit additional members for carrying out these activities.


Race Chairperson

• Determine race types.
• Maintain record of eligible races
• Oversee racing events.
• Coordinate with other racing organizations.
• Publish point systems; maintain and publish points records of all racers
• Appoint racing judges and other officials.
• Adjudicate disputes regarding competition and titles.


16) Selection of Officers

Officers are elected in an annual business meeting of the organization. Officers can be nominated either by volunteering or by nomination by another member. Officers can also be nominated by written proxy.


Voting shall be limited to members in good standing. Any member in good standing can vote in absentee by providing a written vote to an officer of the organization.


A printed e-mail message is acceptable when submitting a written proxy for voting or nominations.


Any member is eligible for any office, except the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer must be 18 years of age or older.


17) Vacancies and Removal of Officers

A member of the Board of Directors should submit a written resignation at least one month in advance. [NEW] The resignation can be submitted in e-mail, provided at least two (2) officers of the Board receive the e-mail.


The secretary shall then add the notification of the vacancy to the agenda for the next business meeting and notify the Webmaster and the Newsletter Chairman so that the membership can be informed. A majority vote at the next business meeting (it need not be the annual business meeting) suffices to select the new officer.


If an officer is expelled from the organization, as described in the section on Membership, he or she also ceases to be a part of the Board, and must surrender documents,fees, data or other materials related to the duties within a month of expUlsion or resignation.


Section IV Meetings and Events


18) Schedule of Business Meetings

There shall be at least four general membership meetings scheduled yearly by the Board of Directors.


The annual membership and main business meeting must be held in the last quarter of the calendar year. The other three general meetings may be a formal meeting called only for the purpose of doing business, or may be held in a more information setting such as a picnic, fun run, or any such other gathering that allows for discussion of club activities.


19) Meeting Content and Order

The business of meetings shall be conducted in general accordance with Roberts Rules of Orders.


The President or Vice-President shall submit an agenda to the Secretary at least one week in advance of the meeting so that the Secretary can provide this information to the Webmaster. Last-minute changes should be communicated 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that the agenda can be updated for printing.

One officer and three (3) members in good standing must be present at any meeting in order for the meeting to be considered a business meeting.


20) Special Meetings

The President can call an emergency Board meeting with 14 days advance notice.


21) Committee Meetings

Committee meetings can be called by the Committee chairperson or by the President. The President is empowered (but not required) to dismiss Committee members who fail to attend meetings.


22) Races and Active Events

The Race Committee chairperson will draft a recommendation for organization activities and rules governing those activities. These rules must be ratified by a majority of the membership in a general meeting.


Activities shall include dryland/scooter racing, titles, and events focused on education and advocacy. Attendance at events is not required of any member.


Section V. Amendments and Miscellaneous


23) Amendments

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed at any general membership meeting of this organization.


During the first calendar year of operation of this organization (April 2006 - March 2007), requests may be brought directly to any business meeting. The request will be read at the meeting and mc;ly be voted on by the members present. The members present may vote to postpone consideration of the amendment, to review the issue further, or to submit the issue . to the general membership in the annual business meeting.


After the first year of operation, requests for amendments should be made in writing. Written amendments can be brought directly to any business meeting or submitted to an Officer of the organization, but the issue shall not be voted on immediately. Instead, the request will be reviewed by the Board of Directors, and shall be voted on at the next business meeting after the Board has met and reviewed the issue.


If any amendment significantly affects either the membership or the goals of the organization, the Board of Directors reserves the right to review the proposal and submit a recommendation to the membership.


After changes have been made to these by-laws, the changes shall be published on the Web site in a timely manner (not more than 30 days after the meeting in which the issue was decided.)


Copies of the by-laws shall be available in printed format at each annual business meeting. A copy of the by-laws shall be posted on the Web site at all time. Any member can request a soft copy of the by-laws or meetings minutes by sending e-mail to the Secretary with at least 14 days notice.


24) Amendments to Racing Rules

Proposed changes of any race definition or racing rules or procedures require approval by a majority vote of the Board.




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